Bollington Brass Band
Welcome to the website of Bollington Brass Band.
We are a friendly, enthusiastic band based near Macclesfield, Cheshire​ and are currently competing in the North West First Section.
The band enjoy a sensible schedule of concerts and contests throughout the year.
For our latest news and to discover more about the Band, please explore this website, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or watch our videos on YouTube.

If you would like to come for a blow with the band we rehearse on Thursday Evenings 8pm-10pm
Bollington Arts Centre
Wellington Road
SK10 5JR
Get In Touch
If you would like to contact the band regarding vacancies, buy tickets or book us for an event, please contact us through one of the following methods.
Email: bollingtonbrassband@gmail.com
Chairperson: Bev Needham - 01625 576 367
Concert Ticket Seller: Andy Mort - 07739351522
Alternatively you can contact us through our Facebook page.